Rabbi Avi Feigenbaum initiated the Lunch & Learn (L&L) programs nine years ago. His singular outreach program has had a beautiful and far-reaching impact on the Jacksonville Jewish community. L&L has become a vibrant gathering place of Torah learning and also, such a nice time to schmooze with our friends. As many new programs go, L&L started out with just a few folks but eventually blossomed into large gatherings at a few different locales. The July L&L was held downtown at the law offices of Ken Jacobs. I salute Ken for being a prime sponsor all these years. He has contributed his energy, enthusiasm and generously opened his conference room for us all. And oh yes, the food has always been delish! Gili’s Restaurant catered a fantastic meal. About 30 folks attended in person, with about another 25 on Zoom. Very sadly for us, Rabbi Feigenbaum has accepted a new position in St. Louis. May HaShem bless Rabbi Feigenbaum and his family in their new community. But the great tradition he established will continue under the leadership of Rabbi Menashe Uhr of the Jacksonville Kollel. We are filled with gratitude for having Rabbi Feigenbaum all these years and look forward to a bright future for the community.
Rabbi Feigenbaum’s Lunch & Learn Nourishes Our Jacksonville Souls